Identifying Your Personal Style for a Design Consult
Are you wanting to redesign a space in your home but feeling clueless when someone asks you what your style is? Follow this guide to help you nail your personal style, so your initial design consult leaves you feeling understood. Do you define yourself as modern, industrial, contemporary, mid-century modern? Maybe you think you are traditional, Scandinavian, Bohemian, rustic, or have a glam vibe? Possibly you connect with coastal, shabby chic, French country, or transitional?
Have no idea what I am talking about? Feeling more frustrated yet? It gets even more confusing when you identify with more than one style and your taste becomes a mash up. Knowing the basics of some of the most popular styles of today will get you started on nailing your personal design style, so you know exactly how to answer that million-dollar design style question.
Start with this guide of 6 popular styles in 2021 to help you identify your personal design style, so your initial design consult leaves you feeling understood.
This design style was born in the 1920’s and informed by Scandinavian design. Form and function are valued as equals in Modern design. Thus it can be described as sleek because of the clean, crisp lines that you find both in the architecture and furnishings used. Modern design consists of a simple color palette, with minimal accessories. Wood, glass, and metal are popular medias found in this style of design.
This design style can mimic modern design in that is also minimalistic, however it differs because it isn’t strictly clean lines. Contemporary design is in the now (it is not based on one specific time period), the accents are ever changing because this style merges with others and supports the trends that come and go. In contemporary design you may see a mix of clean lines, patterns, and textures, that really make a space feel light and inviting.
This design style is just what it sounds like, rooted in tradition and old-world charm. Typically, you will find rich color palettes {not necessarily on the walls}, wood tones, comfortable furnishings, and an abundance of accessories really making your space feel “homey”. Pattern and texture in fabrics is often used as a way to add character and dimension to the space!
This design style incorporates practical, comfortable living by mixing together medias inspired by nature. You may find a mixture of wood, stone, and earth tones. Picture yourself relaxing in a room with natural wood beams on the ceiling, a comfy oatmeal colored couch and a glass vase of eucalyptus adorning the fireplace.
Mid Century Modern:
This design style is a throwback to the 1950s and 60s when function was at the top of the priority list. Little did the folks of the time know, they were creating a design that would be used throughout the world for years to come. Mid Century modern is popular for its modern lines, colorful accents, and practical design.
This design style has really taken the market by the storm and is often mixed into contemporary spaces. Bohemian design is known to be an eclectic mix of vintage furniture, textured accessories and overall making your space filled with the things you love, even if the design styles cross families.
We hope that you find yourself seeing which design style you lean towards. We are always here to help if you are still uncertain or need some direction. It’s always harder trying to figure it out on your own and more fun doing creative things together! Start here with our design questionnaire and one of our home stylists will reach out to you shortly!